Monthly Archives: September 2023

Make Way Day 2023

This years Make Way Day was a tremendous success across the country. Many groups participated [...]

National Ploughing Championships 2023

I was really looking forward to attending this event as I have never been before. [...]

The All New Veleco Turris

Say hello to the all new Veleco Turris 3 wheel Mobility Scooter Introducing the all [...]

The Veleco Faster mobility scooter in the Woods!

We took the Veleco Faster mobility scooter to the woods to see how smooth it [...]

New Head of Servicing and Repairs

    Freedom Scooters are delighted to announce and welcome our newest member of the [...]

The ZT63 Italiano in Courtown Woods by the harbour

The Veleco ZT63 Italiano off road in Courtown Woods