Recently a customer asked me about how they would go about getting an EU parking permit so that they could use it when they are getting lifts to places and to avail of disability spaces to park. So here is the information from the Department of Transport by the Disabled Drivers Association.
The EU parking permit is issued on behalf of the Department of Transport by the Disabled Drivers Association. There is an administration charge of €35 per parking card. The card is valid for two years.
To apply for an EU parking permit from DDAI, a Primary Medical Certificate holder should make contact with our offices by phone, email or via eligibility wizard (see check eligibility below) confirming contact details and PMC status, application forms will then be sent. You will be required to furnish with completed forms a copy of the PMC first/second schedule document or submit copy of vehicle registration certificate in their name showing tax exemption.
A person who is registered blind should also make contact with our offices for forms; you will be required to submit a certificate of their registration from the National Council of the Blind in Ireland (NCBI) with completed forms. All applicants who apply for the EU parking permit who do not possess valid PMC or NCBI proof must have their medical practitioner complete medical forms for permit application.
Other prospective applicants should contact the DDAI to discuss their eligibility for an EU parking permit with one of our support staff or complete the eligibility check (see link below). Alternatively, those wishing to apply can write or have an advocate write on their behalf by email or by post, indicating the basis of their disability, their age and the manner and degree to which their disability affects their mobility, including information on any mobility aids they might use.
Our contact details are as follows:
Post: Parking Card Section, Disabled Drivers Association, Ballindine, Claremorris, Co Mayo
Telephone: 094 936 4054 – 094 936 4266 – 01 8103794