European Disability Card

European Disability Card

EU Parliament’s position paves the way for ambitious European Disability Card

The European Parliament has taken the official position on the proposed Directive for a European Disability Card (EDC)and a European Parking Card adopted by unanimous vote at the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.

The position clearly reflects the demands of persons with disabilities and means that negotiations between EU institutions on the final stage can now begin. This will be the final phase of the EU decision making process.

The European Disability Forum has thanked the European Parliament for actively involving organisations of persons with disabilities while drafting it. They especially welcome:

  • the demand for the European Disability Card to grant temporary access to allowances, support and social security when moving for work and study.
  • the provisions to access support when taking part in EU Mobility Programmes.
  • the proposal to reduce the time of transposition and implementation of the Card – the Card must not take too long to become a reality.
  • the card means that those with hidden disabilities will not have to keep explaining what their disability is

What does this mean for people with disabilities?

Once you have a European Disability Card, it will allow persons with disabilities to access the same discounts, preferential access and other support as nationals with disabilities.

The Card will allow persons registered people to access support when taking part in EU Mobility Programes, such as ERASMUS+ or the European Solidarity Corps.

The Card will be available in both physical and a digital versions.

The Card will be issued and renewed free of charge.

The EU Parking Card and the European Disability Card will be two separate Cards.

The proposal also reinforces the existing EU Parking Card.

There will be official websites that will provide information about the European Disability Card.

We hope that we can keep you updated with any progress.