The benefits of an Electric Wheel Chair
If you are searching for a new mobility aid so that you can enjoy getting outside but also have the use of it indoors, then an electric wheelchair could be the answer! Even with the Ireland’s rather wet climate, an electric wheelchair will offer many benefits for users. So what are the benefits of an electric wheelchair?
With today’s technology, there is no need to be sitting in an uncomfortable wheelchair. Modern chairs like the Freedom Scooters’ Cosmo are a far cry from the standard issue from the HSE, they have padded seats for extra comfort. The Cosmo has pneumatic tyres to allow for a more comfortable travel experience.
Access and Mobility
If you want to enjoy the great outdoors then may need an Electric Wheelchair that is designed for convenience. The Veleco Cosmo is designed with the user in mind. This electric Wheelchair is designed to fold down easily for storage and transport.
Easy Controls
Electric wheelchairs can be the easier-to-use counterpart to mobility scooters. With their smaller, slender frames you can expect to find it much easier to use indoors and in tighter spaces, such as the aisles of a supermarket. But it’s the control panel that truly makes the Cosmo an easy to use mobility aid. Our Cosmo model can allow the user to have the joystick on either the left or the right hand-side. The single joystick controls direction, and just a couple of extra buttons to control speed. The Cosmo has the added safety feature of castor wheels to provide a smooth and stable ride.